Wednesday, June 12, 2013

True or False?

My True or False lashes are FINALLY HERE!!! I really am SO excited to finally try these out and see what all the fuss is about. I mean, for $1.50 (per pair) you really can't go wrong! The packaging is so cute and the names of the lashes are unique which just makes it all more fun.
I do have to admit that I am quite annoyed with True or False as a company at the moment. I ordered my lashes on 5/15/2013 and did not receive my lashes until 6/11/2013. Isn't that a little ridiculous?! Once the first 12 days passed I decided to send an e-mail to the company (since that is your only option, as there is no phone number). NO RESPONSE. I send another e-mail to the 2 contacts I was able to find on their website. NO RESPONSE. I did this two more times, NO RESPONSE. I even tried leaving comments on their Instagram  pictures (follow me: @looksbyluann). NO RESPONSE. COMMENTS DELETED. I WAS BLOCKED. Needless to say I was upset, I tried everything and figured I was going to have to take the loss on the lashes.
Of course I then decided to "track my order" only to find out from the USPS that the e-mail True or False sent me with a tracking number is only to "track" the fact that T or F have announced to the USPS that they will be sending a package, it did not actually track my package or ever scan it into their system. Once the USPS informed me of this (last week) I was super annoyed, I figured there was no way I was going to be able to find this package.
Well, yesterday I came home to a little package that made me smile in a BIG way. The lashes look just as amazing in person as they do online and I really am so excited to use them. Hopefully I am so happy with the way they look on me that I will forget all about how annoyed I am. I will post pictures and a little review once I officially try them.
My opinion so far: Lashes are AMAZING, my favorite so far being their "Cat Eye" lash, (as long as you are not in a rush). Company has ZERO customer service (boooo).
Anyway, give them a try and let me know what you think: True or False Lashes
xo Luann

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